Thursday, June 25, 2009

Healthy living

How hard is it to live a healthy lifestyle? In American we may think it is difficult but I think the Koreans would have a different perspective. Since I have been here I have notice the food has more portions of vegetables then meat; they serve unsweetened tea or water with every meal, if soda is ordered there are no refills; the use of seasoning is modest; and the sweets have very modest sugar in them. Additionally, you are able to get your daily workout from all of the walking you do. The terrain is very mountainous so my walks have been a rollercoaster literally. There are lots of stairs to climb when going or coming from anywhere, I have seen very few places on ground level. Furthermore, I have observed it is much faster to walk then it would be to drive or catch a cab. I have also seen leaner individuals here and I know why. Just think about what we are asked and advised to do by nutritionist and health care providers. Eat better and exercise the two things I think Koreans have embraced since childhood and should I say do well.

Niecey Napier

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