Saturday, April 19, 2008

ILS elects new officers for 2008-2009 year

Recently, the ILS elected new officers for next year.  We would like to thank all of the outgoing officers including President Andrew Stubbs and Secretary Brytt Ebeling-Belt for all of their hard work.  Both helped make this past year a wonderful one for the society.  
On a different note, we would like to welcome our new officers for the upcoming year.  The new President is Andy Thomas, who served as Vice-President this past year.  Our new Vice-President is Laura Moore, a rising 2L.  Finally, our new Secretary is Kat Pantazis, a rising 3L.  We are in the midst of planning some great events and speakers for the upcoming year and look forward to a great next year for the officers and the society.  Again, congratulations to all of the new officers.  

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